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PineCone Bluegrass Summer Camps Sign Ups

Wednesday, March 13
  • This event has passed.

We’re excited to once again offer two PineCone Bluegrass Camps for youth in partnership with the Town of Cary! The camps are June 24 – 28, 2024 and July 29 – August 2, 2024. PineCone Members and Town of Cary residents can begin registering for camps on Wednesday, March 13 at 7am (public registration begins March 27).

 The first step is to create your account now in RecTrac, Town of Cary’s new registration system. You must have an account in RecTrac before you can sign up for camp programming.

 Non-resident PineCone Members, once you’ve created a RecTrac account you can email the following information to Jennifer Hocken (jennifer.hocken@carync.gov):

  • Your Name:
  • Name of Camper(s):
  • Which camp(s) to register for:
  • How long they have been playing their instrument (for June banjo, fiddle, guitar or mandolin camps):
  • What instruments they play and for how long (for July/Aug jam camp):
  • If they need any reasonable modifications to participate:

Jennifer will then register your camper(s) at the Resident/Member rate, which will generate an invoice to your RecTrac account for you to pay online. You may email this information to her any time, she just can’t start processing registrations until March 13th. 

 Cary residents can of course register directly through RecTrac beginning March 13.

 Visit PineCone.org for additional information including Bluegrass and Jam Camp descriptions, pricing and scholarship information.

 Visit CaryNC.gov/register for Town of Cary camp information and resident registration.

 For additional questions about PineCone camp offerings, loaner banjos, scholarship opportunities or the member camp registration process please email lynda@pinecone.org or call 919-664-8333 ext. 3.


Wednesday, March 13
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