Do you know a young person who wants to try out a bluegrass instrument?
Here’s a no-cost, no-commitment, no-experience required opportunity to pluck a bass or banjo. We’ll have instruments and experts ready to talk to you about how to get started.
All this started after the pair of bluegrass camps PineCone hosted this past summer. Both weeks were great fun but there was a clear lack of young banjo and bass players. We had dozens of guitarists and fiddlers, but only a couple banjo players and no bass players. As the saying goes, it ain’t bluegrass without the banjo, and we want more banjo!
This open house is the first step in fixing that. We want to help young folks find instruments, instruction and inspiration to get them ready to join us at camp next summer. We aspire to have at least three more banjo players at each camp next summer.
If you know a young person who might want to pick up the banjo or bass let us know and invite them to our upcoming Open House for Young Pickers. Youth will have the chance to hold and play instruments, meet some experts and have a little fun.